Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Patiently waiting for spring....

Well I have about had it with all this winter. I didnt mind at first because it was all new and part of the adventure, but its still soooo cold and still more snow coming. I dont think I will see the ground till June, at this rate. And after my lovely trip back to Vancouver for a week, where the flowers were already blooming, it sure made coming back to this weather that much more difficult. Sometimes its hard to imagine I made this decision to move here on my own free I know it will get better once I can start getting some work done, but at the moment that seems like a long ways away. Like I said in an earlier post, this winter sure is testing my strength.
My trip back to Vancouver was of course to visit friends but also to meet Trina and Mike's new baby, beautiful little Lily. It was a great visit and we got to spend lots of time together, lying low with Trina and the baby. I spent a wonderful afternoon enjoying seafood at the Boathouse, overlooking the ocean and later blowing off alittle steam with some long time friends . Being back in Vancouver really made me miss the city and especially all the excitement the Olympics brought last year. I was so excited leading up to the Olympics that I found myself missing that anticipation this year. And the inspiration I felt while I was volunteering for the paralympics, inspiration and pride, it was all soooo overwhelming. And to think back, thats when I made the decision to move out here. I guess it really made me realize I wanted to do something more meaning full with my life. And therefore the decision to come back here and live as gentle on this earth as possible came to be. I have to keep that in mind when I look outside and feel discouraged by all this snow. Theres a bigger picture involved here, and I have to stay motivated and keep this dream alive.

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