Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Friday, May 14, 2010

modular vs prefab

Well heres where we're at today. I did some research the last couple of days and I have learned quite abit about the procedure of purchasing and installing a new home, whether its going to be a modular or pre-fab, is yet to be decided. The main difference is that a modular comes in two parts and a pre-fab comes in more pieces. And a big part of that decision is whether we have the room to get two large pieces onto the property thru the gate and down the drive way. Otherwise, the site basically requires the same amount of preperation. Although I could purchase an entire package deal with the company that I chose to manufacture the home, I think I can get each step done using the contacts I have made and save myself some money. So, basically, once I obtain the permits I need, I have to install the geo thermal heating system, pour the foundation, hire a crane and then the company takes it from there. Makes it sound pretty easy when I put it like that hey? LOl, I realize I have alot of work and planning ahead of me, but thats exciting to me. Im looking forward to a meeting with a building company on mon. Time to look at some costs.

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