Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Monday, May 31, 2010

renewed excitment

Spent the day today at the Vancouver EPIC-eco fare and it was a much needed kick in the butt. The past two weeks have been a frustrating stand still waiting on important papers caught up in the mail. That and the fact my internet was down and haulted my research process, has left me feeling discouraged. So much needs to be ironed out, yet held up waiting for the loan to go thru, has left me feeling very anxious lately. Anxious about leaving my job, my home, my friends, my comfort zone. Its really hit me the last week. Not to mention, it snowed again in Edmonton, yesterday!! How am I going to manage with such a short growing season. How am I going to manage being by myself on this farm with one income untill the farm produces any kind of income at all, aaagggg, it freaks me out. That being said, the eco-fare renewed my excitment in the project. Although there was not alot of info about the building materials I want to look into, one thing really caught my eye was the living wall. An interior wall is lined with a special pad and a water circulation system and live plants grow upright on your wall. Its not neccesarry good for insulation, but creates a tremendous amount of oxygen in your house and would be another great focal point in my eco-farm.That and some information about a rainwater recycling system has got me excited again, which helps eliminate the anxiety alittle. Mind you, just alittle, the closer it gets, the more crazy I think I am for taking this on. Once again, please wish me luck...

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