Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Im back in Van, for now...

Well once again,it has been far too long since my last post. But in my defense, I had very little computer access while in Alberta, so here we are. I didnt want this trip just to be about work so on wednesday, Mel and I headed to Jasper for two days, my favorite place. Canada Day was spent on some crazy whitewater rapids and taking in an amazing firework show. Cudoos to Jasper for one of the best displays I'v been lucky enough to see, it blew me away. Friday we were on our way to my new property about three and ahalf hours from Jasper(about an hour from Edmonton) to meet up with my Dad. Driving onto the property was alittle overwhelming, feeling from "oh my god, Im doing this!" to "OMG, Im doing this?" The first thing Dad and I did was walk from one corner fencepost around the entire 20 acres of land. These acres, I have expolred many, many times as a child, but it was such an unexplainable feeling to come to that 90 degree corner post and say..."ok I can do whatever I want up to this post!" It's crazy, its really never crossed my mind that I might be trying to pull off something like this. And although that brings with it some excitement, this trip has really hit home the fact that I will be leaving soon, my comfort zone, my friends and a great job, I am just pouring with emotion. Ill write more tomorrow about what was actually accomplished, but tonight, Im spent.

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