Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

back to work...

I decided to take a little break from all my hard work this past week, and instead took some time to visit with Amanda the beginning of the week, then had my sister here for the weekend. Had a ton of fun but now its time to get back to work. I have to do some research into putting up my own tower in order to receive a signal for the internet. At first I didnt like the idea but I realized I would also be able to use the tower to test for consistent wind energy. If I want to qualify for government funding for the turbine, I need about two years of testing. I could either have one attached to the house, going up 20 ft above my roof, or erect a free standing tower, which could go alot higher, but more work involved in installing it. Retail, a 30 ft light weight tower would cost me about $2000.00, but I might know someone out here that could build on for me. Like I said, alittle more research is needed before I decide on a route to take. On the plus side, I managed to clear off some land where my garden is going to go next spring. There is a large fenced area where my aunt used to have her garden but it was completely overgrown with poplar trees. I put the word out I needed a bobcat, but instead one of my neighbours came by with his tractor and his grandson and together, we used a chain around the tree trunks, and pulled the larger trees right out of the ground. And when we were done that, he used a brush mower on the tractor to clear the rest. I am very happy this man Peter is my neighbour, I have a feeling Ill be calling him for lots of help in the future. Feels good to see the garden cleared out. Next step, rototiller :)

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