Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Friday, October 22, 2010

my miracle goat....

What a past week it has been!!! My little goat got into some moldy hay, and by the time I realized something was wrong, it had become quite serious. I have learnt that the mold creates a bacteria in their stomachs and prevents food from being digested. And this can cause problems with other organs, such as the liver. I decided not to rely on home remedies, so off to the vet I went, with a very uncomfortable goat in the back of my vehicle. Three hours and $260.00 later, we were on our way back home. I thought she seemed alittle better and I was able to rest soundly for the night. The next day I had to give little Clemintine two needles in her back legs, one an antibiotic and one vitamin shot. That was an experience, never gave a goat, or anything for that matter, a shot before. Unfortunately she got worse before she got better. When I came back to the farm after being in town for the afternoon, she was in rough shape. She was curled up in the corral and had been throwing up alot. Goats are not designed to throw up and it became a concern that she was going to drown on her own vomit. The vet and the lady who has raised goats in the area for the last 30 years, had never seen that before. I was so distraught, I felt guilty about not removing the hay in the first place and I certainly didnt want the goat to suffer anymore then she already had. We decided it might be best to put her down. I called some of the farmers in the area, hoping someone would be willing to help me out and take her out back and shoot her. I dont want to sound cruel, but I also know thats a part of living on the farm, at least she would be out of her misery. I spoke with my new neighbours wife and she said she would get Pete to call me once he was home from work. Not knowing what else to do, I took a wool blanket out to the corral and sat with Clemintine, I wanted to soothe her. I put the blanket around her and my hands on her belly, and I tried to call for some healing spirits. I said her name over and over, petting her neck and calming her, telling her that either way, soon she would be out of pain. It seemed to work and I left her sleeping in the corral. A couple hours later, just as Pete was calling to say he would be down to help me, Clemintine got up on her own and walked over to the water trough. I couldnt believe it, she couldnt walk hours earlier. So, I called off the shotgun, moved her into the small barn for the night and in the morning she had made a full recovery, much to the surprise of the vet. My little miracle goat pulled thru and I have learnt a valuable farmers lesson...

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