Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

how quickly time flies...

I can not believe how long its been since my last post!  The days seem to go by so fast out here. Im busy taking care of all the animals, constantly chopping wood and shoveling, LOTS of shoveling. Winter is definitely here for good now. We have about 2 feet of snow and it certainly makes the chores alittle more time consuming, but Im still loving it. Every morning( keep in mind we're on "shelley time"  I get all bundled up and head out with the dogs close behind me, and once the chores are done we go for our walk along the property fence line. Makes for some good exercise with my boots and all the snow, and of course the dogs love to run ahead, chase off some critters then come back to tell me what they saw. And Tessa is quite the hunter. She caught a rabbit the other day and was so proud, she kept trying to give it to me as a gift, a bloody, mangled Its thought that counts right. And of course Iv been busy getting ready for Christmas. Iv made some nice gift baskets for a few of the neighbours that have helped me and Elfriede out in the past. People who have taken care of her before I came and a few that have and will be helping me out in the future, like John who will be plowing my driveway and Pete who has and hopefully will again, help me clear some land. Iv never been too concerned with my neighbours in the past but out here it really makes a difference. Other then that, its going to be a quiet Christmas this year. Iv had a few invites, several open houses to attend but Im really trying not to drive if I dont have too, and of course the weather is always a factor. As for Christmas eve, itll be me, Elfriede and the animals. She's really looking forward to spending a night back on the farm and sitting in front of the fire with a glass of her favorite, Mojitos. Hahaha, shes a crazy ole lady and I cant wait to be 94 and doing the same thing. This farm life equals longevity:)

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