Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

time to plant...

Well it is finally time to take the garden to the next level!!! I have sooo much work ahead of me but at least I can finally get started. The ground is dry enough to get the tractor back in there to rib up the rest of the big trees and then get the area mulched up. I know my neighbour can come over with his tractor, he helped me get started last fall before the snow came but we were unable to finish in time.So he will be coming back to help me with that and I then I plan on renting some equipment for the long weekend of May and get the mulching and or rototiller done. Iv invited a bunch of people over for my first annual volunteer day/ Shelley's bday celebrations on the 22nd, so hopefully we will get alot done then. That ground has not been turned over for about 10 years so its going to take alot of work but also very fertile soil. Although Im going to only plant half the size of a garden this year, I think I will see quite a large bounty of fresh vegetables and I cant wait. Iv already started some plants inside. So far, 3 different types of beans and some herbs. I really want to learn how to can this year and tri-coloured beans is going to be my specialty. Perfect on their own or in a

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