Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

windest day this year...

Well the flagpole made it into the ground, to much surprise. Never stopped to think about this before, as I have never installed a flagpole until now, but picking the windiest day of the year, well, it works against Patrick did a great job of figuring out the instructions and doing most of the work to put it up, but seriously, we were working against some insane heavy winds. And apparently, probably due to global warming(had to get that in there) the wind is coming from a new direction then Alberta is normally use too. Its bringing down alot of trees because they grow to brace themselves from the other direction.  I joke that its because of global warming but who really knows, maybe I shouldn't joke at all. Too prove a point, this wind has brought in a new species of mosquitoes. More aggressive and travelling on the wind, they are like a mutant mosquito, unlike our species. Them and the fire ban makes sitting out in the yard very unenjoyable.I can understand and all, what with all the fires in this province, already!! But this being, my birthday weekend, makes me very sad that I don't get to enjoy that. The times they are a changing...

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