Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

full tilt ahead...

Its the first day of June and I think we may finally be without threat of frost. I thought because I put my plants in after the long weekend, which is notories for bad weather, that I would be safe, but not so The beans and cucs I started indoors and replanted into the garden suffered some frost two nights ago. Im hoping they will rebound, but I have another crop in the ground, along with everything else that I planted later and those should survive due to the insaltion of the dirt. Hopefully I havent already lost my first crop but as the weather changes, so does our planting season, and I guess I have to learn to adjust to that. They are predicting a hot summer and with out a doubt, a long fall so hopefully this wont affect me much, I still think Im ahead of the game.
I Know I have already mentioned my glorious flagpole, but to top it off, I have had a new gate installed. This may seem quite uneventfull to most but its a thrill to me. For one, I can let the llamas out again which is two fold, a:I dont have to buy feed for them and b:they keep the grass down, which is why I keep and feed them all winter in the first place. So its nice to see them doing their job Also, the new gate is stronger and on a wheel so it'll be much better in the winter and on uneven terrain. All these little things are really coming together. Next big project is my sign and getting the pen re-inforced to hold turkeys. Who wants to pre-order their free range thanksgiving turkey now???

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