Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

40 turkeys...what was I thinking???

Well, I think its official, I am a farmer! Yesterday, I ordered 40 turkeys to raise, feed, fatten up and then butcher, just in time for Christmas. Well, I cant say Im going to do the butchering, but it will be done! The point is, I have 40 turkeys coming and I thought I was ready but...ummm...not so much. I started to clean out the pen for the turkeys, which was formally known as home to many chickens, for many years, and realized I have alot of work to do before I pick them up on the 30th. Apparently, you should not cross chicken germs and turkey germs for fear of disease, well I didnt know that, therefore, lots more work then I had planned. That seems to be a consistant theme to my blog hey? I obviously dont know what Im So here I am, frantically getting the turkey coup ready,caring for the goats and llamas,still planting the garden, taking care of Elfriede, and working, makes for a busy schedule. Not to mention those damn goats are trying all my patience...I NEED A FARM HAND!!!


  1. I am so not tech savvy, I think I posted a comment but don't see it. Anyway, I will follow your blog. Write often
    Love from me

  2. That's what I did wrong, I didn't type in the secret code word. Love the blog Shelly
