Me and my sis on aunts first farm.

Me and my sis on aunts first farm.
Shelley and Jolene learn to farm early on!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Thunderstorms and mosquitos...

Well, as always, alot has gone on here out at the farm the last 2 weeks. It started with my good friend Trina flying in on Wed. night. I was sooooo happy to see her because her and her husband helped to move me out here and I wanted her to see how much I had done. Im also so thankful to Mike and her mother for caring for Lily, making it able for Trina to travel here, even though I know she missed them all terribly, I really needed that visit from her.
Day 2 of our adventure took us to Westlock where Trina helped me pick up 40 turkeys, and a hilarious trip to the feed mill(inside storey...chucklechuckle) Unfortunatley, we lost one turkey shortly after we came home and Trinas newfound favorite turkey, now named Saloman, died in front of her. Now I have 39 turkeys and a cross in my garden with the name Saloman on it. We both agreed, Trina will never be a
By Friday my sister and nephew had arrived and the Canada party kicked off. Friends were invited to stay untill sunday then family started to arrive to visit for a couple days. It all worked out really well, everyone being able to meet at the farm for a visit while Jolene was in town and the coolest thing of all was when Jolene flew here, our brother Kriss was the pilot!!!
On day 4, dad arrived with 2 pigs for me. In the last 48 hrs I had acquired 40 turkeys and 2 pigs and I had alot of work to do to get their first homes ready. I had the turkey coup ready, Bob and Kriss helped with my fire wood and Dad helped with the pig pen. I like a good days

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